Support the Diversity Foundation and its efforts to find a future for the displaced children of Colorado City. These children need education, a place to live, and the basics of a life on their own.
The Diversity Foundation produces high-quality comic books which feature great stories about diversity and teamwork. The characters are good role models, and each book is safe for all ages. Help support the printing and publishing of these books.
The Diversity Foundation is a Utah-based nonprofit corporation classified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as exempt under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) and as a "public charity" under IRC Section 509. Donations from individuals and corporations, as well as grants from private foundations, qualify for maximum tax benefits allowable by the IRC.
As a public charity, the Diversity Foundation is qualified to receive grants from private foundations. A grant to the Diversity Foundation will help your foundation satisfy its annual distribution requirements while at the same time helping the Diversity Foundation accomplish its worldwide mission.